
Nantes coach Antoine Kombouar left fasting player Jaouen Hadjam out of the squad

In the 29th week of the French Ligue 1, Nantes, which hosted Reims last Sunday, was defeated 3-0. Coach Antoine Kombouare was kicked out of the squad after he refused Jaouen Hadjam’s request not to fast during Ramadan before the match.

Reminding that he had set a rule throughout his career, Kombouare said, „A player in my team who fasts on match day cannot go on the field.“ made the statement.

Commenting on the decision to exclude Hadjam, Kombouare said, “There is no problem with players who fasted during the week. I am ready to support them if necessary. We know it’s not an easy time. But you shouldn’t fast on game day.“ used the phrases.

In addition, the French coach stated that other Muslim players in Nantes‘ squad agreed not to fast against Reims.


Former Senegalese football player Demba Ba reacted to the decision of the French coach. The former Beşiktaş player shared on his Twitter account, „It amazes me that there are some people who think that Ramadan fasting is still behavioral. For those wondering, we are talking about a person’s identity. A simple question: Is it good to ask someone to put aside something that constitutes their identity? ?“ used the phrases.

Antoine Kombouar, coach of Nantes

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/BRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

Nantes coach Antoine Kombouare was dismissed from the team after refusing player Jaouen Hadjam’s request to fast during Ramadan before a match against Reims. Kombouare stated that he had set a rule throughout his career that a player who fasts on match day cannot go on the field. Other Muslim players on the team agreed not to fast against Reims. Former football player Demba Ba criticized Kombouare’s decision, stating that Ramadan fasting is part of a person’s identity and asking someone to put aside their identity is not good.

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