
Meeting with Pakistan’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs

Turkmenistan and Pakistan Discuss Cooperation in Energy and Transport Sectors

On April 13, 2021, a meeting between the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan was held in Samarkand. The meeting took place as part of the fourth foreign ministers meeting among the neighboring countries of Afghanistan.

The meeting covered a wide range of issues related to Turkmen-Pakistani cooperation of mutual interest. The high level of bilateral partnership in the political, diplomatic, trade and economic spheres was discussed and noted with satisfaction.

The parties highlighted the great prospects for cooperation in the energy and transport sectors. They emphasized the importance of continuing work on the implementation of the construction of the TAPI gas pipeline and the TAP power line.

Moreover, the diplomats noted the importance of the activities of the Turkmen-Pakistani Intergovernmental Commission and agreed to hold the next meeting of the Commission in the near future.

This meeting was very significant since Pakistan is a close neighbor of Afghanistan and the TAPI pipeline project will pass through Afghanistan’s territory. In recent years, Turkmenistan and Pakistan have developed close ties, and this meeting further strengthened their cooperation in various fields. Both countries have a great potential for further development of economic cooperation and mutual investment in various sectors such as agriculture, industry, and tourism.

Meeting with Pakistan’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs

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