Majority of Swedes want Quran burning banned
In the survey conducted by the Sifo research company, the rate of Swedes who wanted to ban the burning of the Qur’an and holy books rose to 51 percent.
The rate of those who support the burning of holy books within the framework of freedom of expression was 34 percent, while the others did not express their opinion.
According to the statement made by Sifo, the survey was conducted with 1,370 randomly selected people on 14-16 March.
Racist Paludan’s provocation to burn the Holy Quran cost 88 million kronor
It was announced that Rasmus Paludan, the leader of the Danish far-right Tight Direction Party (Stram Kurs), cost the state 88 million kronor (162.2 million lira) for the provocations of burning the Holy Quran throughout Sweden.
In the news of Swedish state television SVT, it was informed that an extra 88 million crowns came out of the Swedish treasury due to Paludan’s provocations to burn the Quran in the last year.
Easter events
During the Easter holidays in 2022, Rasmus Paludan continued his provocations of burning the Holy Quran in Sweden’s Malmö, Norköpin and Jönköping cities and in the capital Stockholm.
The demonstrators, who wanted Paludan to be stopped, attacked the police with stones by burning tires on the roads. 104 police officers and 14 demonstrators were injured in the incidents, and 20 police vehicles were destroyed by burning.

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The rate of Swedes who want to ban the burning of the Qur’an and other holy books has risen to 51 percent, according to a survey conducted by the Sifo research company. The poll found that 34 percent of Swedes support the burning of holy books within the framework of freedom of expression, while others did not express their opinion. The survey, conducted on 14-16 March with 1,370 randomly selected people, comes after Rasmus Paludan, the leader of Denmark’s far-right Tight Direction Party, cost Sweden 88 million kronor (162.2 million lira) for provocations to burn the Quran in 2022. During Easter events in Malmö, Norköpin, Jönköping, and Stockholm, Paludan’s actions resulted in 104 police officers and 14 demonstrators being injured, and 20 police vehicles being destroyed by burning.