
Küçük Ferdi nach Vermisstenmeldung wieder aufgetaucht: Gute Nachrichten!

Familiensuche in der Bergregion: Glückliches Ende für den kleinen Ferdi

Kemal Gönen, who was engaged in animal husbandry in the village of Bekirli in the district, went to a mountainous region with his wife and son Ferdi to graze their animals. While his parents were taking care of the animals, Ferdi disappeared around 4:00 p.m. Kemal Gönen and his wife, who were looking for their son, called the emergency number 112 and asked for help when they received no results. Upon notification from the family, gendarmerie, AFAD and commandos were dispatched to the region.

The teams started a search operation with specially trained dogs to find Ferdi. As a result of the seven-hour work of the teams, little Ferdi was found sleeping in the mountainous region. It was learned that Ferdi, who was handed over to his family after a health check, was in good condition.

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Pools Plus Cyprus

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