
Kayalp: After meeting with the Prime Minister, we suspended the action as a sign of goodwill

Shipowners, shipping agents and crane operators operating in Famagusta and Kyrenia ports stopped their activities in both ports on the grounds that it is illegal for the liquidator to take up loading and unloading services.

During the action, a demand was expressed to create a new structure in which the state would take part instead of privatization at the ports.

Oktay Kayalp, who made a statement on behalf of the stakeholders when the action started in Famagusta Port, conveyed the process, the reasons for the action and their demands.

Kayalp stated that the company that held the handling services in the TRNC ports within the framework of the Cyprus Turkish Harbor Workers Company Law has actually disappeared and that a liquidator has been appointed by the relevant ministry for its liquidation. He said that he could not be authorized in this matter, that the service procurement tender was not legal and that they wanted it to be cancelled.

Kayalp provides handling services; He noted that they want a structure that will include all stakeholders and the state, and that they want it to be run by this structure.

On the other hand, Oktay Kayalp, in a statement to BRT, stated that they had a meeting with Prime Minister Ünal Üstel in the afternoon and that the meeting was positive.
Kayalp stated that they suspended the protest after this meeting as a sign of goodwill.


This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

Shipowners, shipping agents, and crane operators in Famagusta and Kyrenia ports stopped their activities to protest the appointment of a liquidator to handle loading and unloading services, calling it illegal. They demanded the creation of a new structure that would involve the state instead of privatization at the ports. Oktay Kayalp, speaking on behalf of the stakeholders, stated that they want a structure that includes all stakeholders and the state to provide handling services. The protest was suspended after a meeting with Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, described as positive by Kayalp.

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