
Kasachstan fordert umfassendere digitale Integration beim Eurasischen Wirtschaftsforum

ASTANA – Bakytzhan Sagintayev, Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), presented the Digital Union initiative during a plenary session of the Eurasian Economic Forum on October 1 in Yerevan. The goal of the concept is to highlight the concrete benefits of deeper Eurasian economic integration for businesses and the general population.

According to him, the concept has been coordinated with the digitalization departments of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states, Kazinform reported.

Sagintayev outlined three key principles of the Digital Union concept: compatibility of regulatory and infrastructure solutions essential for their development, ensuring synchronization and seamless interaction of national digital platforms, and integrating digitalization into all four fundamental freedoms – goods, capital, services, and people – at a pace and scale aligned with the readiness of member states.

During the plenary session, which was also attended by the Prime Ministers of other EAEU member states: Armenia, Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Russia, as well as Uzbekistan as an observer state and initially Uzbekistan, Kazakh Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov also delivered a speech. Iran, as a trading partner.

Iran is interested in obtaining the status of an EAEU observer state. The decision to grant such a status to a foreign partner is made by the heads of state and government of the EAEU member states at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Bektenov emphasized Kazakhstan’s strong focus on promoting digitalization within the EAEU. He underscored the importance of fully implementing the integrated information system of the union, which is intended to facilitate seamless intergovernmental exchange of data and electronic documents among member countries, according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s press service.

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