
Kasachischer Radprofi triumphiert bei asiatischen Straßenradmeisterschaften in Almaty

ASTANA – Yevgeniy Fedorov, a road cyclist from Kazakhstan, won the gold medal at the 43rd Asian Road Cycling Championships in Almaty, reported the press office of the National Olympic Committee on June 9th.

Fedorov won the individual time trial, while his Kazakh compatriot Dmitriy Gruzdev came in second. Rinata Sultanova finished third in the women’s individual time trial.

On June 8th, Nicolas Vinokurov, son of the famous Kazakh cyclist and Olympic champion Alexander Vinokurov, won the gold medal in the men’s under 23 race. He completed the 34-kilometer distance in 45 minutes and 38 seconds. Last year’s Asian champion Andrey Remkhe took silver.

The championship is taking place from June 6th to 12th. According to the news agency Khabar, the Kazakh road cycling team won two gold medals on the first day in both the mixed elite relay and the junior category.

Teams from 28 countries are participating in the competition, with 29 award ceremonies being held, including 15 for para-athletes.

„The first day is very significant for the Kazakh team. We have won three medals: two in the relay and one in the Paralympics. This shows that our country is a cycling powerhouse. We are leading in Asia, and today’s event confirms this,“ said Raimbek Batalov, President of the Kazakhstan Cycling Federation.

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