It started with a pimple! Black widow nightmare: The pain was up to my elbow
What happened to the 28-year-old young woman named Crystal Rudd caused a stir in the world. According to the news in the British DailyMail newspaper, Rudd noticed a painful pimple on his finger on March 25 and tried to pop it with a sterile needle.
However, the mother of three children noticed that the pain did not go away and went to the hospital. Here, doctors attributed the cause of acne to a mosquito bite in their first determinations. The acne of the young woman, who took a few antibiotics and went home, continued to swell.
By April 1, Rudd was in so much pain that he couldn’t sleep at night. Stating that her finger was tense and constantly sore, the young woman said:
‚The pain was up to my elbow, it was all over my arm, it was tender, as if I had pulled a muscle. My finger felt like it was going to explode.
Rudd went back to the hospital with his wife on April 2. Paramedics took blood and X-rayed his finger, and explained that the swelling was caused by a black widow spider. The poison under the skin of the woman who was rushed into surgery was removed by surgical intervention.
Rudd, who was discharged a few days after the surgery, continues to live with the bandage in his hand for now. Doctors said that after the recovery process, his finger will need physiotherapy. Rudd, who made statements after the surgery, said the following on the subject:
‚I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through. I couldn’t be a mother to my children because I couldn’t dress or cook.
In the unlikely event, the first thing you should do is wash the area thoroughly with soap and water to prevent infection and never scratch it.
The more you scratch, the easier it is for bacteria to get under the skin.
If the swelling continues, the only solution for now is surgery. If left untreated, the pieces of flesh in the bitten area will rot and may even lead to loss of limbs.

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A 28-year-old woman named Crystal Rudd developed a painful pimple on her finger that she tried to pop with a sterile needle. However, the pain did not go away, and doctors later discovered that she had been bitten by a black widow spider. After a surgical intervention to remove the poison, she continues to live with a bandage on her hand and will need physiotherapy after the recovery process. If someone is bitten by a black widow spider, they should wash the area thoroughly with soap and water and seek treatment immediately to avoid further complications.