
Istanbul Traffic Sees 81% Rise in „Holiday“ Density

Istanbul Traffic Increases During School Break and Holiday Week

As Istanbul residents enjoy their school break and holiday week, traffic in the city has already started to show its effect. The density on the roads increased even more as iftar time approached.

According to the data from Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), traffic density increased to 81 percent by 18:15 on a recent day. This means that drivers in the city can face slow-moving traffic and long delays.

Istanbul is known for its busy and congested streets, and the situation tends to worsen during school vacations and holidays. The situation is largely due to the influx of more people on the roads during these times.

Residents of Istanbul are advised to be patient while traveling during peak hours and to plan their routes carefully to avoid congestion. Additionally, they can use public transportation as an alternative to driving.

With the increasing demand for sustainability, the use of public transportation is also a step towards leaving a better future for the next generation. By reducing the number of cars on the roads, we can reduce traffic, air pollution, and our carbon footprint.

Stay tuned for updates on Istanbul traffic and remember to follow NTV on social media.

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