
Imprisonment for Fake Nurse in Netherlands

A Fake Nurse in the Netherlands Sentenced to Prison

A 27-year-old man in the Netherlands who posed as a nurse and worked at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital during the COVID-19 outbreak has been sentenced to 450 days in prison for „fraud“ and „attempting to injure“. According to the court in the city of Den Bosch, although the man did not have a diploma or necessary training, he worked in the emergency, intensive care, and other departments of the hospital with COVID-19 patients from March 20 to April 9, 2020.

The fake nurse performed medical interventions, including injecting patients and administering drugs and morphine. The court statement noted that the man „posed a serious danger to the health of the patients“. It was also revealed that the man had attempted to sell a medical device he had brought to the hospital for 25,000 euros.

The fake nurse was dismissed by the hospital once the situation was noticed. The court sentenced him to 450 days in prison but he has since served his sentence due to the time he spent in detention. In addition to the prison sentence, the man has been prohibited from working in the health sector for 5 years.

The prosecutor’s office had requested a 2-year prison sentence for the fake nurse, but he was sentenced to a lower limit due to mental problems and the inability to prove that any patient was harmed while he was working. The incident highlights the importance of strict regulations and thorough background checks to prevent unqualified individuals from working in healthcare settings.

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