How lucky Eser Eyüboğlu is, the character of Selami Ferses stuck on him, millions were amazed by his voice!
TVGazetesi.com / Detay – Eser Eyüboğlu, who plays the character of Selami Ferses in the TV series Gönül Mountain, has been playing one of the most colorful characters on the television screen for 3 seasons. Born in Trabzon in 1984, the actor took part in different projects both in cinema and on television before the TV series Gönül Mountain, where he had an important experience.
Eser Eyüboğlu, who stepped into the sets with the character of Necmettin in the TV series Dokanlar, published in 2013, has been involved in comedy roles in movies for a long time. The actor, who also made himself popular with the character of İsmail in a comedy series called Şevket Yerimdar, also attracted attention with the character of Dursun in the project named Ege’nin Anchovy.
Eser Eyüboğlu’s influence on everyone was realized with the character Selami in the Gönül Mountain series, which started in 2020. Despite the allegations that he will leave the series last year, Eser Eyüboğlu, who is still one of the most important names of this project, does not fall off the agenda with the songs he sings.
The videos of the songs that Eser Eyüboğlu sang in the Gönül Mountain series were watched millions of times on Youtube. The actor touched on this issue in his interview on Sabah newspaper’s Youtube channel:
“Some are exclusive to the show, some are anonymous. I have also written. As long as this character is present, I think they will make such surprises. Our screenwriters know the script part of the job. Together with the producer, they decide how the work will be watched. It surprises me, too, and I like it.”
Eser Eyüboğlu said that he did researches when such scenes came and that he took the recordings himself, and that he also has a room where he can take professional recordings.
The actor said, “Actually, it’s very important here, people react well to the work you do. This gives you enthusiasm. You embrace the work you do with hope. That’s why it’s a pleasure for me to receive positive feedback. It also contributes to the series,” he said.

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Source Link: Beyazperde/TelevizyonGazetesi
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Eser Eyüboğlu, known for his character Selami Ferses in the TV series Gönül Mountain, has become one of the most popular actors on Turkish television. Born in Trabzon in 1984, Eyüboğlu has previously appeared in films and TV shows, but it was his role on Gönül Mountain that brought him significant recognition. Despite rumors of his departure from the show last year, Eyüboğlu continues to be an integral part of the project and surprises audiences with his singing skills, which have been featured in the series. His songs have been viewed millions of times on Youtube, and Eyüboğlu says he takes the recordings himself and even has a room dedicated to making professional recordings. He says positive feedback inspires him and contributes to the success of the series.