
Hotel-Albtraum: Schlafende Rezeptionistin wird in die Brust gestochen – Aktuelle Nachrichten aus der Türkei

Mann verletzt Rezeptionisten mit Messer im Hotel

Sinan K., who had been staying in a hotel in the district of Taşpazar for 4 days, injured the receptionist Ahmet Kaya, who was sleeping on the sofa for unknown reasons, with a knife in the chest.

When the hotel staff realized the situation, they called the emergency center 112.

Ahmet Kaya, one of the leaders of the fan group of 68 Aksarayspor, which competes in the Red Group of the 2nd League, was taken to Aksaray Training and Research Hospital by ambulance.

While the suspect who escaped was arrested, an investigation into the incident was initiated.

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