
Finance borrowed 1 million 10 thousand 739 dollars for Cypfruvex

In order to meet Cypfruvex’s short-term financing needs, the TRNC Central Bank issued 1 million 10 thousand 739 USD Loan Special Issue Treasury Bills with a maturity of 98 days by the Ministry of Finance.

The interest rate for bond issuance is set at 4%.

A Loan Agreement was signed between Cypfruvex and the Ministry of Finance for the repayment of the said treasury bill price to the Ministry of Finance under the same conditions.

Cypfruvex will use the said amount by converting it into Turkish Lira by SWAP transaction in order to avoid currency risk.


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Source Link: BRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The TRNC Central Bank issued 1 million 10 thousand 739 USD Loan Special Issue Treasury Bills with a maturity of 98 days to meet Cypfruvex’s short-term financing needs. The bond’s interest rate is set at 4%, and Cypfruvex will convert the money to Turkish Lira through SWAP transactions to avoid currency risk. A Loan Agreement was signed between Cypfruvex and the Ministry of Finance for repayment of the treasury bill price under the same conditions.

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