
Fetö’s Kassetten-Bremssattel gefangen im versteckten Fach zu Hause – Last-Minute-Türkei-Nachrichten

Breaking News! CHP – former chairman Deniz Baykal and some politicians and deputies allegedly involved in the publication of obscene content on the internet, the sound and images of sound and images that illegally wiretapped phones in investigations, Ü.Y. was captured in Ankara.

Ü.Y., who was responsible for the intelligence department between 2008 and 2014 and was expelled in 2016, was caught in the secret compartment where he was hiding in his house by the director of the Ankara provincial police and the intelligence services.

Ü.Y.’s official document for fraud and abuse of duties, Fetö’s Crypto Communication Program „Bylock“ user, and members of Fetö, the crimes of 3 separate search warrants were found.

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