
Fasting advice from a specialist to pregnant women – Health News

Expressing that fasting in Ramadan is a subject that confuses pregnant women, Specialist Doctor Türkan Fedakar pointed out that unhealthy and inadequate nutrition of mothers can negatively affect the development of the baby both during and after pregnancy.

Stating that they do not recommend fasting for pregnant women with diabetes and high blood pressure, Fedakar said, „The fact that the mother stays hungry and thirsty for a long time in a healthy pregnancy varies according to the week of pregnancy in the light of scientific publications, but low blood sugar in the mother, low blood pressure as a result of decreased intravascular blood volume, decrease in baby movements. It can cause consequences such as a decrease in the baby’s weight gain, a decrease in the baby’s water and the risk of premature birth. Therefore, even if they do not have any health problems, we find it more appropriate for pregnant women who want to fast to be examined by specialist physicians, to get opinions from their physicians about fasting, and to go to their routine follow-ups regularly.

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Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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Specialist Doctor Türkan Fedakar advises pregnant women to be cautious about fasting during Ramadan. She emphasizes that unhealthy and insufficient nutrition of mothers can have negative effects on the development of the baby during and after pregnancy. Pregnant women with diabetes and high blood pressure are advised not to fast. According to scientific studies, the risk of low blood sugar in the mother, low blood pressure due to decreased intravascular blood volume, decreased baby movements, and decreased weight gain and water of the baby increases when the mother fasts for a long time during a healthy pregnancy. Therefore, even if they do not have any health problems, pregnant women who want to fast should consult with specialist physicians and get informed opinions before fasting. They should also regularly attend their routine follow-up appointments.

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