
Family massacre in Elazig: 6 dead – Last Minute Türkiye News

In the first examination, it was determined that Hüseyin Fırat, a teacher, shot his father Cumali, his mother Zeynep, his brothers Yusuf, Remziye and Mesut Fırat with a gun.

It was learned that Hüseyin Fırat later opened the natural gas valve in the house and committed suicide with a gun.

Family massacre in Elazig: 6 dead - 3

The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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A family of six was found dead in their home in the eastern province of Elazig, Turkey. Hüseyin Fırat, a teacher, shot and killed his father, mother, and three brothers before committing suicide by opening the natural gas valve and shooting himself. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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