
Export record from the agriculture sector – Breaking News

Despite the difficulties in global economic activity, recession concerns, geopolitical risks and the effects of Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes, Turkey’s agricultural sector continues to break records in foreign sales.

Turkey’s exports increased by 2.5 percent in January-March 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 61 billion 587 million dollars.

Turkey’s agricultural exports reached the highest first quarter export figure of all time with 8 billion 626 million dollars.

In January-March 2023, the share of the agricultural sector, which recorded a 4.5 percent increase in exports compared to the same period of the previous year, in Turkey’s total foreign sales was 14 percent.

Agriculture group set a record with 5 sectors

Exports of cereals, pulses, oilseeds and their products, fresh fruits and vegetables, olives and olive oil, ornamental plants and products, furniture, paper and forest products, which are in the agriculture group, reached records.

Cereals, pulses, oil seeds and their products 2 billion 944 million dollars, fresh fruits and vegetables 941 million 524 thousand dollars, olives and olive oil 294 million 754 thousand dollars, ornamental plants and products 48 million 452 thousand dollars, furniture, paper and forest products 1 It achieved the highest first quarter exports of all time with billion 962 million dollars.

In the said period, cereals, pulses, oilseeds and their products 7.9 percent, fresh fruits and vegetables 23.4 percent, olives and olive oil 156.7 percent, ornamental plants and products 7.4 percent, furniture, paper and forest products 1 percent. 6,6 exports increased.

Meanwhile, cereals, pulses, oilseeds and products with 1 billion 127 million dollars, ornamental plants and products with 18 million 306 thousand dollars, realized the highest monthly export of all time in March.

Exports of the fresh fruit and vegetable sector to Russia exceeded 250 million dollars.

Iraq, the Russian Federation, Spain and the Netherlands were the countries with the highest exports by the sectors that broke records in exports in the agricultural group.

Cereals, pulses, oil seeds and products to Iraq 503 million 214 thousand dollars, furniture, paper and forestry products 216 million 614 thousand dollars, fresh fruit and vegetable sector to the Russian Federation 258 million 376 thousand dollars, olive and olive oil to Spain 104 million 114 thousand dollars, ornamental plants and products to the Netherlands amounted to 12 million 497 thousand dollars.

On the basis of provinces, cereals, pulses, oil seeds and their products exported 907 million 841 thousand dollars, furniture, paper and forest products 846 million 183 thousand dollars from Istanbul.

Fresh fruit and vegetable sector from Mersin realized 239 million 282 thousand dollars, olive and olive oil sector from Izmir 139 million 705 thousand dollars, ornamental plants and products sector from Antalya 21 million 749 thousand dollars.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/TRT

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Turkey’s agricultural sector broke records in foreign sales despite global economic difficulties, recession concerns, geopolitical risks, and earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş. Turkey’s exports in January-March 2023 increased by 2.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 61 billion 587 million dollars. The agricultural sector’s exports also reached the highest first quarter export figure of all time, with 8 billion 626 million dollars, representing a 4.5 percent increase compared to the same period of the previous year. The share of the agricultural sector in Turkey’s total foreign sales was 14 percent. The agriculture group, including cereals, pulses, oil seeds and their products, fresh fruits and vegetables, olives and olive oil, ornamental plants and products, furniture, paper, and forest products, achieved records in exports. The fresh fruit and vegetable sector’s exports to Russia exceeded 250 million dollars. The countries with the highest exports by the sectors that broke records in the agricultural group were Iraq, the Russian Federation, Spain, and the Netherlands.

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