
Erdinç Gündüz’s book „Once Upon a Time, My 3-Flag Years“ will be introduced at KTGB on Monday.

Journalist, writer, music artist Erdinç Gündüz’s book “Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time 3- My Years with Flags” will be introduced on Monday at an event to be held at the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Association.

According to the information given by KTGB, the book promotion event will start at 18.30.

Gündüz, who retired from Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation, included his memories of the years he served in BRTK in his book.

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The book „Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time 3- My Years with Flags“ by journalist, writer, and music artist Erdinç Gündüz will be presented at an event on Monday at the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Association. Gündüz, who retired from Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation, has included his memories of the years he served in BRTK in his book. The book promotion event will start at 18.30.

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