
Der überraschende 28-Kilogramm Riesenschuppenkarpfen – Spät einfallende Nachrichten aus der Türkei

In Bilecik Pelitözü Gölpark, Kerim Çelikbilek and Nedret Öztürk woke up in the morning to the sound of bells on their fishing rods. After a long struggle, the duo managed to pull the huge common carp, caught on the fishing line, to the shore. The two friends took many souvenir photos with the 28 kilogram giant common carp and released the fish back into the Pelitözü pond. Anyone who saw the fish could not hide their surprise.

„We stayed by the pond day and night for a week to preserve this.“

Kerim Çelikbilek, one of the fishermen, explained that there are larger carp in the Pelitözü pond and said, „My friend Nedret and I have been lying in a tent by the pond for a week, waiting for this moment. When the alarm sounded while fishing in the morning, the fishing rods went off, we excitedly got out of bed and started pulling the fishing line. „We realized it was such a big fish.“ We had difficulties bringing the common carp to the shore. We waited for this moment for a week, but it was worth it. After taking a souvenir photo with the fish, we released it back into the pond,“ he said.

ACM Cyprus

Esta Construction

Pools Plus Cyprus

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