
Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority General Manager Aydın: Nicosia main input transformer was disabled by external intervention

There is a power outage across Nicosia.

In his statement to BRT regarding the outage, Dalman Aydın, General Manager of the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority, said that the Nicosia main input transformer was disabled by external intervention, and that the outage was caused by this.

Pointing out that the same reason and interruption occurred the previous day, Aydın noted that they are working to eliminate the interruption.

Underlining that the cause and consequences of the incident are exactly the same as the previous day, Aydın added that those responsible for the incident have not been determined yet, and that their priority is to restore the cut energy.


This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRTK/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

There is currently a power outage in Nicosia attributed to external intervention which disabled the main input transformer. This is the same reason and interruption that occurred the previous day, and the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority is working to eliminate the interruption. While those responsible have not been identified, restoring energy is a top priority.

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