
„Council Warriors: Driving Global Cooperation in 2023“

Deputy Ahmet Savaşan, President of the World Health Tourism Council, recently spoke at the EMITT conference with international participation about the advantages of Northern Cyprus in health tourism. According to Savaşan, the country offers accommodation in many different concepts and alternatives in areas such as holidays, congresses, health, faith, weddings, gastronomy, sports, hiking, and diving. He went on to say that the council’s goal this year is to contribute to increasing global cooperation.

Savaşan also highlighted the success of Northern Cyprus in terms of protecting the health of its people, students, and tourists during the pandemic period. With a death rate of 8 per thousand, the country has become a preferred brand in the world. The TRNC’s success of 80 percent in IVF treatments, high technology, and price advantage combined with expert physician staff has made it a preferred destination for medical tourism. Quality medical tourism services are also provided in areas such as detox and wellness holidays, heart, physical therapy, general surgery, orthopedics, aesthetics, dental, and hair transplantation.

The Presidency of the Global Healthcare Travel Council (GHTC) has passed from Croatia to the TRNC, and Savaşan stated that the main goal of GHTC this year is to contribute to the development of health tourism on a global scale. Savaşan emphasized that special attention will be given to developing cooperation between member countries and increasing the number of member countries during the TRNC Presidency of the GHTC. Scientific meetings on topics such as education, accreditation, and digitalization will be accelerated, and the Global Healthcare Travel Forum will be held in the North in 2024 with international participation.

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This news was taken from this source and rewritten by artificial intelligence.

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