
Council of Ministers decided to postpone the strike in the Assembly of the Republic for 60 days

The Council of Ministers decided to postpone the strike held in the Assembly of the Republic for 60 days due to the fact that it is an essential service.

The decision of the Council of Ministers entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette today.

In the decision, it was stated that the strike initiated by the Cyprus Turkish Public Officials Union (KTAMS) and the Cyprus Turkish Public Servants Union (KAMU-SEN), other unions and Parliamentary employees in all units operating within the Assembly was postponed for 60 days from today to prevent disruption of services.


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Source Link: BRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The Council of Ministers has announced that the strike held in the Assembly of the Republic will be postponed for 60 days due to it being an essential service. This decision came into effect after being published in the Official Gazette. The strike, which had been initiated by various unions and Parliamentary employees in all units operating within the Assembly, was postponed with the aim of preventing disruption of services.

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