
Clint Eastwood Preparing to Shoot His Final Movie – News

The 93-year-old actor/director looks set to retire…


Clint Eastwood, who has added directing since the 1970s to his acting career, which leapt from television to cinema in the 1960s and shined especially with Western films by Sergio Leone, is preparing to shoot his last movie.

Eastwood’s next film to direct is Warner Bros., DiscussingFilm reports. It’s been referred to as Eastwood’s „last film“ by The movie „Juror #2“ follows a juror in a murder case who is suspected of having a hand in the victim’s death.

Juror #2 is caught in a moral dilemma as to whether he will fight to influence the jury’s decision and protect his own secret, or surrender to the justice system in which he participates. According to the report, it seems likely that Nicholas Hoult and Toni Collette will star in the lead roles in the movie. The two had acted together as mother and son in the 2001 romantic comedy „About A Boy“.

The source states that while there is a small chance for Eastwood to decide to tackle another feature film after this, the current plan is for him to retire completely after this film. Eastwood, who is now 93 years old, has made dozens of very successful films such as „Unforgiven“, „Gran Torino“, „Mystic River“, „Million Dollar Baby“ in his directorial career and has been working with Warner Bros. for 50 years. working with.

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Source Link: Beyazperde/TelevizyonGazetesi

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Clint Eastwood is reportedly preparing to shoot his last film, called „Juror #2“. The 93-year-old actor/director has had a successful career in both acting and directing, and has been working with Warner Bros. for 50 years. The film follows a juror in a murder case who is suspected of having a hand in the victim’s death, and is caught in a moral dilemma as to whether to influence the jury’s decision or surrender to the justice system. It is likely that Nicholas Hoult and Toni Collette will star in the lead roles. While there is a small chance for Eastwood to direct another feature film after this, the current plan is for him to retire completely.

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