
Children donated books and bought seeds to the ZAYDER Tent in the Gonyeli Alayköy Municipality parking lot

Alternative Nature Time Kindergarten, serving in Gonyeli Yenikent, visited Gonyeli Alayköy Municipality today and donated books to the ZAYDER Tent, which is located in the municipal parking lot.

According to the statement made by the Municipality of Gonyeli, Alternative Nature Time students, who supported the 1 Seed 1000 Books Campaign initiated by ZAYDER, received seeds in exchange for the books they donated.

The children were accompanied by the Mayor of Gonyeli Alayköy Hüseyin Amcaoğlu.

Within the scope of the campaign, in which seeds are given to everyone who brings books, a seed growing guide is also given along with the seeds. Libraries are set up in schools for the collected books.

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The Alternative Nature Time Kindergarten visited Gonyeli Alayköy Municipality and donated books to the ZAYDER Tent. The children received seeds in exchange for the books they donated as part of the 1 Seed 1000 Books Campaign. The Mayor of Gonyeli Alayköy, Hüseyin Amcaoğlu, accompanied the children during their visit. The campaign gives out seeds and a seed growing guide to everyone who brings books, and the collected books are used to set up libraries in schools.

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