
Cahit Necipoğlu Drag Race

The Cahit Necipoğlu Drag Race, organized by the Northern Cyprus Drag and Sports Car Association, will be held on the Akıncılar Tunnel Road on April 8-9.

The organization will start with the rankings to be made tomorrow at 16.00.

The excitement will continue on Sunday, starting from 14.00, with double matches… In the organization, which will take place in 7 classes between 9-15 seconds, there will be 5 female pilots, 7 from Turkey and 4 from the south.

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Source Link: NTV/BRT

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The Northern Cyprus Drag and Sports Car Association is organizing the Cahit Necipoğlu Drag Race on the Akıncılar Tunnel Road on April 8-9. The event will begin with rankings on April 8th and continue with double matches on April 9th starting at 2 PM. The race will have 7 different classes lasting between 9-15 seconds, with 5 female pilots, 7 from Turkey, and 4 from the south participating.

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