
Avalanche in Norway: 4 dead

It was reported that 3 avalanches fell yesterday in the city of Tromsö in the north of Norway. Authorities said that 4 people, including a Slovenian and an Italian tourist, who came to the region for skiing, lost their lives under an avalanche. While it was learned that one person among them was seriously injured, the police reported that a house slipped into the sea due to an avalanche and many roads in the region were closed to traffic.

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Source Link: BRTK/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

On April 1st, 2023, a news report from UAV stated that three avalanches fell on the city of Tromsö in northern Norway the day before. Four individuals, including a Slovenian and an Italian tourist who were there for skiing, lost their lives in the event. One person sustained serious injuries. The police also reported that a house was swept into the sea due to the avalanche, and several roads in the area have been closed to traffic.

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