
April 1st jokes 2023! The funniest, easiest April 1st joke day suggestions for your lover, friend, spouse!

Intermissions have started for April 1, 2023 joke day… Jokes to be made on lover, family and friends on April 1st every year attract great attention. Some of us on the day of the joke; They are researching funny and funny April Fools‘ pranks to prank their lover, mother, friend. We have compiled April 1st jokes for you.


April Fools Day is celebrated on April 1 of every year. In general, it has become a tradition for people to joke with each other on the day of jokes. There are legends about the April 1 joke in different cultures, beliefs and languages. France (Poisson d’avril – April Fish): King IX of France in 1564. Charles moves New Year’s Eve from April 1 to January 1. In the meantime, jokes made to mock those who continue to accept April 1 as the beginning of the year become a tradition after a while. Those who accept April 1 as New Year’s Day are called „April Fish“.

April 1 or April Fish is recognized in many parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Japan. Another legend about April 1 is the feast of Fous, which is celebrated on April 1 in Pagan culture. A similar feast, called Hilaria, is celebrated in ancient Rome. In India, this holiday is celebrated on March 31 as Holi.


Connect an air horn under the seat of your co-worker you choose as a victim, or you can apply superglue to the seat. The choice is yours!

For those you know who are afraid of animals such as mice or snakes, you can find a toy of these animals and give your friends a small crisis.

Yet another life-affirming joke! Fill it with mayonnaise with the help of a syringe for any appetizing dessert you can find!


You can save the name of a favorite celebrity, an old friend or a cartoon character on your relative’s phone with your own number. So you can call or text him early in the morning on April 1st to confuse him.


After you fill the soda can in the coke can, you can fill the soy sauce until it turns the color of cola, so you can mislead your mother.


Take the cream out of the cream biscuits and put in toothpaste, watch the shape of your brother’s mouth with pleasure.


You can make a prank that your roommate won’t forget in the morning by adding food coloring to their shampoo or toothpaste.


You can make the onions look like candy apples and prank your sibling and family members.


The paper bug that got into the lampshade will be pretty scary for your mother.


After you prepare the melemen and cool it, you put it in the sugar bag. You hide it in your jacket and go to a crowded place. You pretend to vomit into the bag by giving the impression of being nauseous. When the attention of the people around you is directed towards you, you put your hand into the bag and start eating the bleat with your hand.


Your friend’s girlfriend’s mobile phone is taken discreetly and a breakup message is sent to the friend. In the evening, he goes to the tavern and the joke is explained.


A small coin-sized flap opens from the bottom of the tangerine. The cover must be carefully cut as it will be put back in place later. The fleshy fruit inside is carefully removed from this hole with the help of a partial tea spoon or something else. Things such as mayonnaise, jam or flour are filled into the cavity inside. The cover is glued appropriately. The victim applies a hand pressure to peel the tangerine, this pressure bulges the fruit inside out.


Call your partner and tell your friend that you will come to sit in the evening. Prepare, but back out at the last moment.


If there is a photo of someone we know, we make a good photocopy of it and photomontage it on the middle pages of the newspaper. Then we get him to read the newspaper while we stand on the sidelines and see what he does. This joke would be very entertaining if applied well.


Call your partner and tell your friend that you are slaughtering the lamb and that you are waiting for dinner at 6 pm, then have tripe soup.


You can make your friend’s heart flutter by wearing the same color as the cushions of the chair and sitting on you.

You can save the name of a favorite celebrity, an old friend or a cartoon character on your relative’s phone with your own number. So you can call or text him early in the morning on April 1st to confuse him.

Absolutely the best thing to do with your colleague’s keyboard. Sprinkle some seeds and wait for it to green

After filling the soda can in the coke can, you can fill the soy sauce until it turns the color of cola, so you can mislead your victim.

You can play a very loud joke by placing the horn where the doorknob will hit.

Applying transparent nail polish to soap is another suggestion for April 1st…

Carefully cut the biscuits you took out of the package in half without breaking them. Scrape off the cream in the middle with a knife and squeeze toothpaste instead. Then combine. Wait for the prank victim to go and ask for a biscuit.

Take medium-sized onions, cover them with chocolate, Look at the shape of your face while you eat…

Put the plastic beetles in the ice tray and wait for them to freeze. Put the bug ice in the glass of your victim who wants a cold drink and watch what happens.

After boiling the eggs, remove the yolks and replace them with butter.

Build a swing in the middle of the office!

You can pour sawdust on tables and chairs in your office.

Cover office chairs with silicone foam!

Disassemble and shuffle the letters on your victim’s keyboard!

Mount the horn under the victim’s seat.

You can mount your friend’s bike on top of the nearest statue!

Cut the cupcake in half, add meatballs and feed it to your victim as if it were a hamburger!

Important days and weeks in April 2022: Is there a public holiday in April, which day?

Important days and weeks in April 2022: Is there a public holiday in April, which day?

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/CNN

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