About 39 thousand euros were collected for earthquake victims at the iftar held in the Netherlands.
Nearly 500 people attended the iftar program organized by the Netherlands Turkish Volunteers Foundation (HGTV) to collect aid for the earthquake victims in the earthquake area.
In the event where the Quran and hymns were read and whirling dervishes were performed, prayers were prayed for the earthquake victims.
In her speech, HGTV President Nilgün Şahin wished mercy to those who lost their lives in the earthquakes, a speedy recovery to the injured and patience to those left behind.
Stating that 690 thousand euros have been donated to HGTV since the day of the earthquake, Şahin said, „We need to be united again. We thank you all for aid in the short term, but we must continue to help in the long run.“ said.
Şahin said, „With your help, our foundation has established two soup kitchens in Adıyaman and Kahramanmaraş. 1,500 people have fast-breaking meals here every day. Food parcels are distributed to earthquake victims. We aim to give scholarships to medical school students who have lost their families for one year. We will deliver all of your aid to earthquake victims.“ used the phrase.
Soner Şahin, who worked as a commissioner in the Amsterdam Police Department, and construction worker Ahmet Aydın, who went from the Netherlands to the earthquake region to help the rescue teams, also attended the iftar.
Şahin, in his speech, stated that they pulled many people out of the rubble in the earthquake area and that they were happy for this, and that they would go to the earthquake area for help again in Ramadan.
In the program, approximately 39 thousand euros, which were thrown into the aid box prepared for the earthquake victims and collected through the bank, will be sent to the earthquake victims.

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The Netherlands Turkish Volunteers Foundation organized an iftar program to collect aid for the earthquake victims in the region. Almost 500 people attended the event where prayers were made, the Quran was read, and whirling dervishes performed. HGTV President Nilgün Şahin prayed for the earthquake victims and urged people to be united in helping the victims in the long run. Nearly 690 thousand euros have been donated to HGTV since the earthquake, and the foundation has established two soup kitchens, where 1,500 people break their fast every day, and distributed food parcels to the victims. The program collected approximately 39 thousand euros to be sent to the earthquake victims.