
A brown bear shot dead in Kashkadarya

Yesterday, April 5, in one of the villages of the Chirakchi district (Kashkadarya region), a bear descended from the mountain. According to environmental activists, the brown bear, listed in the Red Book, was shot dead at the orders of the Chirakchi district governor.

According to them, the video of killing was removed from all phones. However, one video was later posted online.

“Inaction of the environmental inspectors of the Natural Resources Ministry, the lack of responsibility of the district governor for nature, for endangered animals reinforces the existing problems. In Uzbekistan, such problems are solved very simply. If there is any problem with wild or homeless animals, they are simply killed. No animal, no problem,” the message reads. also recalled that in 2021, when a similar brown bear, listed in the Red Book, was shot dead by Russian hunter Shirokov, everyone was outraged.

Eco-activists are wondering: will the residents of Uzbekistan, journalists and bloggers be outraged by the act of the Chirakchi district governor and the inaction of the Natural Resources Ministry this time?

Earlier, it was reported that a brown bear, listed in the Red Book of Uzbekistan, descended from the mountains in one of the villages of the Chirakchi district, Kashkadarya region.

“You can euthanize and take the animal back. But the problem is that the Ministry of Natural Resources does not have such a gun. So, the poor bear will be killed, and then they will say that he is rabid. In fact, having a million-dollar fund, it was impossible to buy a pair of special weapons and distribute them to environmental inspectors? We hope that this time the Ministry of Natural Resources will not stand on the sidelines and will save the bear from an angry and frightened crowd,” the environmental activists said then.

The Ministry of Natural Resources stated that “a working group has been created on this situation, which is under the control of the Natural Resources Ministry and the district administration”.

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A brown bear, listed in the Red Book of Uzbekistan, was shot dead on April 5 after descending a mountain and entering a village in the Chirakchi district of the Kashkadarya region. Environmental activists criticised the action and claimed that video footage of the killing had been removed from phones, although one video later surfaced online. In a statement, activists blamed inaction on the part of environmental inspectors and the lack of responsibility of the district governor for nature and endangered animals, saying that “In Uzbekistan, such problems are solved very simply. If there is any problem with wild or homeless animals, they are simply killed. No animal, no problem”.

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