
492 wanted persons caught in Kütahya in 3 months

According to the statement made by the Kütahya Police Department, 234 thousand 295 people and 114 thousand 224 vehicles were checked during the work carried out by the Provincial Police Department between January 1 and March 31.

A total of 492 wanted persons, 68 of whom were arrested for theft, for whom arrest warrants were issued by various courts, were caught and handed over to the judicial units.

In addition, 47 unlicensed pistols, 230 pistol bullets, 30 blank pistols, 23 hunting rifles, 236 cutting tools of various sizes, 81 thousand 460 macarons, 11 thousand grams of tobacco, 2 thousand 685 customs smuggled cigarettes. 190.27 grams of cannabis, 36.18 grams of skank, 50.64 grams of cocaine, 2 thousand 677.84 grams of bonsai, 502.97 grams of methamphetamine, 72 ectasy and 402 synthetic drugs were seized.

In the statement, it was emphasized that efforts will continue for the peace and security of citizens.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/TRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The Kütahya Police Department in Turkey announced that from January 1 to March 31, they checked 234,295 people and 114,224 vehicles. During their work, they caught 492 wanted persons, including 68 who had warrants for theft, and handed them over to the judicial units. They also seized illegal items such as firearms, ammunition, cutting tools, tobacco, and drugs. The department stated that they will continue to work for the peace and security of citizens.

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