20 thousand lira fine for driver using „twin plate“ in Edirne – Last Minute Turkey News
In the Keşan district of Tekirdağ, the driver who used the license plate against the traffic was fined and his vehicle was banned from traffic.
District Police Department Traffic Inspection Bureau teams, some groups of letters and numbers engraved on their plates, Ş.D. He stopped the truck under his command at Mercan Street in Yukarı Zaferiye Mahallesi.
In their examination, the teams determined that the plate, which was attached to the pickup truck registered to Ş.D.’s wife ND and which had some groups of letters and numbers engraved, belonged to another vehicle.
Driver S.D. Judicial action was initiated against him on the charge of ‚forgery of official documents‘, and a fine of 20 thousand 302 liras was imposed in terms of traffic.
The pickup truck, which was banned from traffic, was pulled into the parking lot.

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A driver in the Keşan district of Tekirdağ, Turkey, was fined and had his vehicle banned from traffic after using a license plate belonging to another vehicle. Police stopped the pickup truck and found that some groups of letters and numbers engraved on the plate belonged to a different vehicle registered to the driver’s wife. The driver, named as S.D., faces charges of forging official documents, while a fine of 20,302 Turkish liras was imposed on him for traffic violations. The pickup truck was seized and taken to a parking lot.