
154 thousand lira fine for 38 people who fight cocks in Nusaybin

In the study carried out by the teams of the Public Security Bureau of the District Police Department, it was found out that there was a runway prepared for cock fighting in a workplace and that animals were waged by fighting inside. In the operation carried out, an administrative fine of 154 thousand 90 liras was imposed on 38 people who bet on a cockfight at the workplace, in accordance with the relevant article of the Misdemeanor Law. 11 roosters used for cockfighting and the scales used for weighing were confiscated. 5 people, including the business owner and the rooster owners, were also detained. suspects are sent to the court house after their processings at the police station.

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Source Link: BRTK/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The police in Nusaybin have fined 38 people 154,090 liras for participating in a cockfighting event. During their investigation, the police discovered a runway specifically constructed for cockfighting in a workplace. The animals were made to wage war with each other in this confined space. Additionally, the authorities confiscated 11 roosters used for cockfighting and weighing scales used for measuring the cocks‘ weight. Five individuals, including the business owner and rooster owners, were apprehended. The suspects have been sent to the courthouse after being processed at the police station.

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